Beauty is not defined by the size of your jeans!

It's not easy to move on if you're in love,
& if it is, then I'm guessing you weren't.

You're the single-most important being to ever grace my existence ♥

i'm not even going get mad anymore. i just got to learn to expect the lowest from the people i thought the highest of.

and it's all so overrated, not saying
how you feel. so you end up watching
chances fade and wondering what's real.

& this right here is the exact
reason why i never gave up on you
when everyone else said to stop trying.

don`t give up when you still have something to give, nothing`s really over until the moment you stop trying.

you`re not the kind of guy that would ignore me when you`re with your friends, but hold me tighter & kiss me a little harder, just to make them jealous.

Worrying does not empty tomorrow of its
troubles, it rids today of it's strength.

laugh until your body aches,
cry until you start to shake.
live like the world is yours to take,
love as though your heart won't break.

maybe you're just jaded
from somebody's unforgotten words.
maybe you're just faded; a little
grey from every time that you've been hurt.

the prettiest people do the ugliest things.
With no regrets, there's no defeat.
These obstacles mean nothing to me.
We won't give up, we won't give in.
We'll keep on fighting until the end.

whether it's passing a test, calling a friend
or just getting through the day alive, you'll have
goals & ambitions throughout your life.

remember last summer , when we were bored out
of our minds,had no idea what day it was,and still had
the time of our lives ?Yeah, those were the days.

no matter how serious life gets
you still got that one person who
you can be completely stupid with =]

The oddest things hurt me. They get
stuck in my head and replay over & over.

Being crazy isn`t showing off. It`s having fun without caring what anyone thinks.

Take these misunderstandings & send them back where they came from; take these misunderstandings because it's hard enough to live life as it is.

Everyone has a 'best friend' during each stage
of life, only a precious few have the same one.

How many roads we’ve traveled
How many dreams we’ve chased
Across sand and sky and gravel
Looking for one safe place

I hope that no matter what happens
between us; we'll always be best friends.

we don't read and write poetry because it's
cute .we read and write poetry because we are
the human race and we are full of passion.

the hardest thing a person can do
is lose a friend who understands you.

Sometimes we get second chances, but sometimes we dont even get a first.

I just might be the girl
who get's hit by a parked car =]

I often miss this little girl w hose dreams had no
barriers, who believed in a world where anything is
possible,with a heart that was full & unbroken.

"It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your
enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends ."

have you ever wanted to ask a question, but you didn't because you knew your heart wouldn't be able to handle the answer?

At times like these,I feel like the white crayon ;completely useless.

i don't have a perfect smile, maybe i'm just too
shy. i'm not a beauty queen on covers of magazines,
that's something you can't deny. i got my own style,
so what you see is what you get; a girl of no regrets.

your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye.

I need to believe that something extraordinary is possible.

Looking back at me
I see that I never really got it right
I never stopped to think of you

Sometimes you have to put your hopes in
a safe place and come back to them another day.

Cause it`s summer and the memories
are just waiting to happen

Stay true to yourself , because there are
very few people who will stay true to you.

Life is like a soccer game;anything can happen.
It's simple;control the ball & reach your goal. =]

Because of you I laugh a little harder,
cry a lot less, & smile a whole lot more.

and it's times like these
you learn to live again.

for once, i want to be the car
crash;not always just the traffic jam