I'll wait for you here,
In this little town.
I can't leave the memories we made.
I'll find you, whenever I walk down memory lane.
Addicted to those glances,
taking chances tonight.
let's face it; the girl that you thought you loved,
is standing right here and the truth is, you don't love her.
If you have a
beautiful face you don't
need big fake boobs to
get anyone's attention.
when you break up with a girl, she'll still
feel it 3 years later when you guys bump into
each other. & part of every girl can't seem to let
go, she'd rather be dragged just for the sheer joy
of being with the same guy, that breaks hearts
on a r e g u l a r basis.
Well boy, you gotta catch her before she
Leaves, she won’t put up with
Anything less than everything and
Everything is what she deserves
So I'm random. I talk about things that happened years ago
and I burst out laughing in a silent room
because obviously I find something funny
I can walk down the halls waving
and someone's bound to wave back
so why can't you just accept that
no boy is worth me changing
because someone already loves me how I am.'
You don't need to know everything about me,
as long as you know you mean a lot to me
I think you want to be beautiful in someone's eyes, you want to be seen. Like if I shot off fireworks & no one was there to watch them, & I closed my eyes. They become beautiful in being seen, & maybe you're not supposed to be beautiful to be seen, you just have to be seen as beautiful, by someone, by one person.
Love is like a game; you gotta know the
steps to take & the basic to play.
Close your eyes tightly, so you won't see,
the tears you promised you'd never cry.
I don't want to feel the way she did because I know what happens when you do. You love with your whole heart, with everything, & you wake up one morning & kiss someone goodbye the way you always do, except you mean it as goodbye forever.
take chances, take alot of them. because honestly, no matter where you end up & with whom, it always end up just the way it should be. your mistakes make who you are. you learn & grow with each choice you make. everything is worth it. say how you feel always. be you & be okay with it.
Here's to the girls & silly cries;
Here's to the boys & telling lies.
Sneaking out & getting
All the things that we've been taught.
Laughing, parties, crazy nights;
Searching for our mr. right's.
Holding it down to the very end;
Sisters by heart & forever friends
i've gone through eight boxes of tissue
seven hours of itunes
six pints of ice cream
five seconds of a slight smile
four minutes of reading
three full movies
two best friends staying by my side
and it's only been one day..
Broken heart & tear-struck eyes.
All in the result of his beautiful lies.
dont question my stength,
it might come back
to haunt you..
She gives you those "come here" looks.
And then makes fun of the guys when they come
over. She'll blow kisses to them, and stab them in
the back, but she's beautiful, &that's her excuse.
And suddenly I realized
how much I hurt you
I wish I could apologize
but that might hurt you more.
So don't chase me
unless your ready to catch me.
Breaking up is just like
having the worst nightmare
after the best dream
The ones stuck in the past
are eventually the ones fighting to get out of it,
while everyone else is wishing to go back.
Close your eyes tightly, so you won't see,
the tears you promised you'd never cry.
I was never one to patiently pick up broken fragments
and glue them together again and tell myself that the mended
whole was as good as new. What is broken is broken, and I'd
rather remember it as it was, at it's best, then mend it and see
the broken places as long as I lived.
Life is like a pen,.
you can cross it out,
but never erase it.
Stepping up; it`s a simple concept;
it basically means to rise above
yourself, to do a little more.
Life`s funny sometimes, it can push
pretty hard,
with someone, && they forget to love
you back. Like when you pull the trigger
or light the flame && you can`t take it
back. In sports they call this stepping up,
in life, i call it pushing back.
Do whatever makes you happy cause in the end,
youre the only one whos guaranteed to be there.
and in the end, it's not about who's skinnier,
or who's prettier. it's about who can survive
through all the name calling, and dirty looks.
it's about who has the strength to not care.
I will never say good-bye to you
cause if I say good-bye, then that`s it.
That`s good-bye
Philophobia- Fear of falling in love or being in love
is it better never to
of having to stop? is it safer never to love than
to risk your heart having to lose? is it wiser
never to speak than to raise your voice
and never be heard?