I watched 3 eps at one go.. Motive is to catch up with the eps.. so that I can watch Tabi's ep on 9th Feb without missing any.. heeeheeeee.
Omg.. last sunday ep's guest is Daniel Henry! Killer looks for angmoh in Korea.
Ep 30 :
The awkward part of Hyori and Jong Kook. LOLLL so funny. Family members kept making time for the both of them. Their awkward moments seriously damn funny.
Later at night, Hyori tried to call Hyun Joong for a mission.. but WRONG NUMBER!! Because too long never contact, he changed his number! I thought I could hear Hyun Joong's voice!
Ep31 :
I laughed A LOT in this ep. My stomach hurts now.
ChunHee DAMN CRAZY in this ep, he kept bullying his friend (the guest).. haha and wtf to the ginseng gag. His friend and Hyori ignored what ChunHee said so he had to make friends with ginseng. LOL he kept talking to ginseng.. and when he left ginseng for awhile.. Hyori threw ginseng in the soup. HAHA ChunHee was damn pissed, saying "my friend is dead! he cant speak anymore!" So Hyori did CPR for ginseng.. (I am serious, she really blew air to ginseng) Since ginseng is already dead, ChunHee's friend snatched ginseng from Hyori and chop it into pieces. WTF the exact scene happened ok. WTFFFFFFFFF
Love it when they play games hardcorely.. they break game rules, in a very funny way.
Hahaha and the last game of this ep. LOL damn funny ah dorky family members. The girls always fall damn badly. Hahah
Ep 31