Boys Over Flowers Cast Interview (ER) 090112 (en)
This is like a teaser for Ep 05! They were interviewed during the trip!
Hyun Joong talked a lot in this!! Heee!!!!!!! Cheeky fellow..
"There were hug and kiss scenes for me, I think the director likes me"
They ate sandwiches for 4 days! :(
Big Bang @ Cyworld Digital Music Awards (SE) 090107 (en)
They are the best.. awards here and there!!!!! Whooooooo !!
Super Junior Concert in China (SE) 090107 (en)
Super Junior hwaitting!!!!!
Celebrities & Their Good Deeds (ER) 090105 (en)
ETN ENU News - Making of Gee MV [01.08.09] (en)