This is a small story showing us when Big Bang perform their song "Red Sunset" or "BbalKa NoEul" at the studio, BANGS fanclub is there to cheer them on, yup the "BIPs" hahah do you notice the fangirls down there, each of them resemble a member of Big Bang? haha There's people who watch their performance through TV like the family up there, no matter what age the female is in, a little kid, a teenager, or the umma who is suppose to be making dinner (note the knife) is going insane, poor appa sitting there trying to put up with it. Then there's the boys who watch it through satellite TV, on the outside they act like BANGS are boring and they rather die than watch it, but inside their thoughts bubbles, they're no difference than the rest haha.
Original Comic by YGEntertainment
Translated and Edit by Vicky