I once tried watching a Jdrama........... in 12 hours. I watched from Episode 1 till final without stopping.
I had to sleep last night if not I would def finish Buzzer Beat.
So to be exact, I completed Buzzer Beat within 24 hours. DAMN!
Naoki!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yamapi =D
and with one of my favorite Japan female actress, Keiko! (My name is Rina because of her role in one movie, keke)
This drama is so........................ it has the suitable amount of sports and romance in it. Romance, the fate storyline is so goooooooooooood and the kissing scenes too.
I guess it because most of them are in their twenties in this drama thus there are many kissing scenes...
Well.. its really hard to see kissing scenes in Jdramas since most of them are high school related ones... age tsk tsk (though Johnnys' lifes are messy in reality ahem)
and and I was really surprised in the first episode as I know almost all of the main leads!
Natsuki! She played the lead of Absolute Boyfriend.. damn she is damn.. erm flirt in Buzzer Beat?
I watched Mai in Love shuffle! Damn I love her bun hair.
Lol my friend dragged me to watch Dive! (Jmovie; because of the half naked boys) and Shuji was in it!
Naoki's sister! She was in Mei-chan no Shitsuji!
Riko! Don't have to explain, I love her too much till I changed my name. LOL
I watched quite a few of Yamapi's dramas...........
Yamapi is just..................... k nuff. Though his hair look so much like fried maggie meeeeeeeeee..
PS : Some of the scenes weren't shown in the final ep.. are they for the SP? I wonder.