This drama ends with..
"My dear are my last friends."
03 "A love that eats life away" (命を削る想い)
Argh.. violent bf. Poor Michiru! Ruka is so cool :D
04 "A bond torn apart" (引き裂かれた絆)
Sousuke is a psycho! So what if Michiru and Sousuke share similar childhood memories? Its dumb to ever love such person.
05 "A night of shock" (衝撃の一夜)
By threatening to commit suicide just to gain back 1 relationship.. is LOW. Its stupid.
06 "A desperate gateaway" (命がけの逃避行)
07 "A harsh reality" (残酷な現実)
Everything in a mess in this episode. Super complicating relationships.
08 "Last letter" (最後の手紙
Ahhh~ Ruka moving out. Takeru chasing after her.. I really hope they turn out to be a couple in the end.
09 "Your life" (君の命)
10 "Love and death" (最終章・愛と死)
He should just die long ago
11 "To the future" (未来へ)
Special "The love of young people who live the moment" (スペシャルアンコール特別編総集編に新撮シーンも加え再編集!今を生きる若者達の愛) *FINALE*