Monday, August 10, 2009

Sean's recent Cyworld entries


하음이와 밤봄 - HaEum and PamBom
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하음이도 좋아하고 봄이도 좋아하고^^
HaEum likes it too, Park Bom likes it too^^

나도 2ne1이에요 - I'm 2NE1, too!
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new era 모자 챙을 똑바로 펴서 쓰고
wearing the new era hat correctly tilted

하랑이가 하는말 "fire"
Harang says "Fire"

(하랑이는 2ne1을 보면 "fire"라고 한다)
(When Harang sees 2NE1, he says "fire")

2ne1의 새 멤버를 소개합니다 - introducing 2NE1's new member
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요새는 2ne1이 대세
these days it's 2ne1's generation

하랑이도 2ne1을 좋아한다.
Harang likes 2NE1 too!

하랑이:누나들 나도 2ne1이에요
Harang:Noonas, I'm 2NE1, too!

